Our Office has resumed seeing patients for routine eye exams (glasses and contact exams) and medical office visits (glaucoma, diabetic, eye injury/infection, etc).
Exams have returned to APPOINTMENT & WALK-IN status.
We welcome walk-in visits at this time, however there may be a need to schedule a walk-in patient due to the number of existing patients waiting at the moment and the availability in the schedule.
We are pre-screening all patients and any caregivers and or family members who accompany patients to their appointment.
Patients or any individuals (including our staff) who have active pulmonary symptoms of any sort or history suspicious for exposure to novel coronavirus are not allowed in the office, with the exception of few select sight-threatening emergencies (under which circumstances they are seen with proper barrier protections).
Patients are limited to a single companion to accompany them to their office visit.
To facilitate social distancing, we have rearranged our physical layout and patients with their companions may be asked to wait in their vehicles, the adjacent optical, or in the adjacent store until sufficient space is available for them to enter the eye clinic.
The wearing of face masks or covering is now optional for the patient and their companions in healthcare facilities like ours per CDC recommendations.